Hi Everyone! I'm back to blogging, I think. Our internet was down for a while but now it's up and running. I'm also on facebook and that's a little easier to keep up.
As for an update...we had my grandma's funeral last week and all my cousins were there, 18 of us and 13 great grandchildren. Although it was grandma's funeral, I haven't seen some of my cousin in years and one came all the way from Germany. Also in the past month I have driven two different cars...the first was a great old '86 GMC Sierra pickup! It's great to drive even though it was humungous and now the new car...it's a '96 Ford Tarus. God's been good to me. Anyways...I know that this is short but I got to go to my student's basketball game.
The Need of the Times
9 years ago