Saturday, March 24, 2007

Not really back to blogging

Sorry. I guess I wasn't really back to blogging. I'm on facebook now and it's much easier. Anyways for spring break I was super busy. Even though I don't go back til Monday I'm starting up the working part already. I've got till Tuesday morning to grade my hundreds of joke....enter the grades in the gradebook and computer and then get them onto the report cards. Oh yeah lesson plans too. It's a good thing I bought a computer back in October.

As for Spring Break, my friend's parents, uncles, and aunt were here so I had a fun time with them. We went to Pearl Harbor (Arizona Memorial, Battleship USS Missouri, Bowfin Submarine, and the Aviation museum), Waimea Bay, Paradise Cove Luau and I can't remember what else but it was a good time. I even got a lot of sun. I'm way darker than what I was a few days ago. Two days at the beach really did it for me.