October 2008
Dear Prayer and Financial Supporters,
Life Action Ministries has three road teams. My team specializes in the 4-day THIRST Conferences and the other teams specialize in the 11-day Summit and 2-week Summit. My team consists of 3 families and 17 other single aged team members. We travel around America with three trucks w/ 50+ ft. trailers, a semi, and people mover (a.k.a. a bus). We have meetings scheduled in Georgia, Mississippi, Indiana, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Tennessee, North Carolina, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, Maryland, Illinois, and Virginia.
We have just completed our 5th THIRST Conference and our team is exhausted. We will be running an 11-day summit in Pennsylvania, so we will be able to recuperate a little. We usually arrive at a church on Friday and unload the semi. On Saturday I help Christi with cleaning and setting up their trailer; while the rest of the team sets up all the sound equipment, children’s clubs, and team office. On Sunday, we arrive at the church 2 hours before Sunday School and the Evening Service. On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday I spend most of my afternoon helping Christi with the kids and spend the evening in Base Camp (our children’s club for 2nd to 6th graders). Wednesday Evening is our last service and ends between 8:30 and 9:30. Then we spend the rest of the night packing everything into the semi; usually we get back to our host home after midnight.
Please pray that we would be wise in getting the rest that we need and God would give us the strength that we need to accomplish each task set before us. These conferences have been emotionally draining but it’s worth it to be able to see lives changed and God glorified.
In addition to our ministry in America, I will have the opportunity to go to El Salvador. In November, our team will fly to El Salvador to build a well for clean water, to teach hygiene to women, and to run our children's clubs for the orphanage. The orphanage currently has over 60 children and the number one cause of death in the country is contaminated water.
My ministry expense for 2008-2009 is $2995 plus an addition $1000 for El Salvador. Currently I have less than 50% of what I need.
To God be all the glory and praise,
Shawntay Celestino
If you'd like to support me financially please send a check to:
Life Action Ministries
PO Box 31
Buchanan, MI 49107
Funds need to be designated to Shawntay Celestino or they will go to Life Action Ministries instead. Also note if you'd like it to be for my Ministry Expense which is tax deductible or my Personal Expense with is not tax deductible.
The Need of the Times
9 years ago