I'm just in the midst of mailing my update and thought about my blog spot. It has been a while since I've wrote something here. I always forget how much work it is to put out an update letter....writing it, copying it, addressing envelopes, folding, stuffing, etc. I'm thankful that the church from Pearland, TX helped me out with getting addresses on most of my envelopes. I am thankful for this blog though because it has saved me some time and money in having to send my updates through the mail.
Right now I'm enjoying the time off from the road. I'm try to refresh and refocus for another year of traveling. I'm going to church in Kiel, Wisconsin and have been encouraged with the nearly completed church building. After 2 year of building they are working on the finishing touches and will have their first VBS there. I will be able to help in one of the classes and am currently working on tracing, painting, and cutting stars for the decoration. This year our VBS is Operation Space, a curriculum through Answers in Genesis.
Oh...and now that I'm thinking about it I need to remember those of you that have supported me. There was a change that was made concerning my personal support. All money that is sent in through Life Action Ministries for me will be applied to my Ministry Expenses until I have reached the amount needed for the travel season. After my ministry expense is reach I will be able to receive personal support if there is any leftover. This past year I wasn't able to receive any personal support because I am still $142.55 short for the 2009-2010 travel season. But the Lord still provided what I needed throughout the year through host families and teammates. If you have any questions please call me or e-mail me.
The Need of the Times
9 years ago