Monday, February 20, 2012

Intentionality, accountability, and Teach-ability

Intentionality, accountability, and teach-ability are three things that have been on my mind for the past few weeks.

Do you go through life feeling like God's not showing you a whole lot....but you are doing your best to stay faithful? Well that's where I've been for a while. But within the last few weeks that has changed. Life hasn't been smooth sailing but it's been good because I know that God is in it. And He will be with me through it too.

I've realized being intentional doesn't mean convenient...that's why you have to be intentional (I know that sounds basic). We have to be intentional in decisions we make, who we hang out with, the things we take stands on....I've always said what you really believe is what you do when the rubber hits the road. We can talk all we want about what we believe but that is proved when we are put in a situation that makes us act upon it.

Accountability....I've always known it's important but haven't taken the steps to seek that out. I can honestly say that's not true anymore. I've sought out some ladies that I respect and have opened up to them, knowing that being honest and vulnerable will only be a help to me. But I must also remember who I use as my accountability partners. I must seek out those who are living a life of seeking God and loving Him. I read a pamphlet by Nancy Leigh DeMoss and it challenged me to find accountability and share with them when being tempted not just when I'm in it's been a neat time and a good source of fellowship.

And last but not least teach-ability. Keeping a teachable spirit is so important. God teaches us through life circumstances and he also uses people to help teach us. Whether we really learn what He's trying to show us is up to us. I'm seeing how important my attitude is in my spiritual growth. I must be humble and acknowledge my short comings and move on to changing. I want to keep a teachable spirit and if I don't have one I know I need to take some time and get to the place where I will be teachable.

I just wanted to share with you a little of what God's been doing in my life. I hope you are at a spot where you are being teachable. If not take some time to search your heart and get to a place where you can be teachable.

Serving Him!

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