Saturday, June 30, 2012

Gold Rush Pics

The Little Guys played a version of Duck Duck Goose that I loved. They played it as "good guy, good guy, bad guy" but they had a water gun to pick the bad guy. It was so cute!

The teenagers help with many things for VBS. Here's on of the kids getting this teen with a water gun....I'm so glad for the teens' willingness to serve.

You just have to have puppets. The little kids LOVED them! One little guy would strain to see them and had a huge smile when they came out.

Welcome to Gold Rush! Our sign to welcome the kids

Snack Time
Working on Worksheets
More of game time

Review Game inside the church
Got caught out in the rain.....well...after being soaked some really wanted to play in the rain...we had a hard time getting them in out of the it was time for a group picture.

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