Sunday, September 12, 2010

1st Sunday morning at Peace Church in Wilson, NC

Base Camp was lot of fun this morning. It is amazing to see how things can flow smoothly. Evan, Brennan, Rachel, and I taught the kids for about 3 hours today. For me it felt like it flew by. We did lessons, a skit, a song, games, and snack time. Thankfully we also had some extra help. Sasha and Tyler are in our worship team and came to help with the kids along with Austin one of our speaker's kids. The church also provided 2 helpers for the Sunday School Hour and Morning Worship Service. We definitely had more than fifty 2nd through 5th graders, I forgot to look at the list at the end of Base Camp.

Rachel taught about Psalm 24...Who shall ascend the hill of the Lord and who shall stand in His holy place.?....we need to have clean hands, a pure heart, to not lift up our soul to what is false, and not swear deceitfully.

I taught about Obedience. Obedience is doing what I'm told to do, when I'm told to do it, with the right heart attitude. We did it in the form of a skit so that the kids had a better picture of what obedience looks like. In the skit I get wet because Jeeneva is upset and gets me a cup of water, but instead of giving it to me she throws it on me. Eventually Jeeneva obeys correctly and I get a cup of water to drink.

I gotta get some rest before tonight's service. Please pray that God would do a work in these children and that they would become more like Him.

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