Monday, November 02, 2009

Update for October

In the month of October I sent around 130 support letters out for my missions trip to El Salvador. Along with sending an e-mail to a bunch of people and posting it on my facebook. I needed $1,000 by October 31st. Well today being November 2nd the $1,000 is supposed to be in. Well God did like only He can do. He provided "exceeding abundantly above all we ask or think". In the month of October I had around $1,800 come in. I knew God would be faithful. It's been neat to see God provide for me through the years.

Although I'm done with raising support for my missions trip, I'm still having to raise funds for this year's expenses. This year I needed $1,500 for El Salvador's missions trip, $3,000 for my ministry fees, and $3,000 for health insurance. Currently I need a little less than $3,000 to cover for the rest of this year.

Some of you know that I also have to raise personal support. I haven't wanted to really mention that yet this year because I had so much I had to raise in order to be traveling with Life Action. Well because we have a break in December I know I'm going to be needing some money. Since I've been traveling the Lord has used host parents to provide cash for me to get things I need personally. Specifically on my birthday my host parents ended up getting a card and having a bunch of people from the church sign it and they had given money to me too. That was such a huge blessing because I was running quite low on cash.

I also need to mention a change that was made this summer regarding our support raising. Previously we were able to raise money for ministry support and personal support. We are not able to do that separately anymore. Now what is happening is that all the funds that come in go directly to my personal ministry support. After I raise my ministry support I am able to receive a stipend. The stipend is determined by how much excess in funds I have. But I will only be able to receive up to $300 a month. For example, when my ministry expense is paid off if I have $50 in excess I will get $50. If I have $400 in excess I will get $300 for that month and the next month I can get $100 more. I hope that makes sense it is kind of confusing.

They have advised us that we can raise personal support and just ask our supporters to send it directly to us. So if you would like to send me some personal support and help me make it financially through December you can send it to me at

Shawntay Celestino
Buchanan, MI 49107

You can also send me letters through this address. At this PO Box they collect all the team's mail and send it on to the church that we'll be at.

There's so much more that I'd like to say but I'd have to save it for another time. I have to get ready for my day.

I hope you all have a God honoring day.

Serving Him,
Shawntay Celestino

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